
2005–2008 Training as a state-certified physiotherapist at the AMT Dr. Stromberg e. k. Recklinghausen
2008–2012 Various additional physiotherapeutic qualifications, e.o. Certificate of manual therapy, "Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy - McKenzie", Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fascilitation" (PNF), Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Kinesio Tape Therapy, Neuromobilisation
2012–2013 Preparation for the review of the healing permit as a non-medical practitioner, successfully passed review at the Dortmund Health Office in April 2013
2010–2015 Study of osteopathy at the International Academy of Osteopathy (IAO)
2008–2010 Scholarship holder at the "Foundation for the Promotion of Gifted Vocational Education (SBB) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research"
2014–2015 Training "American Chiropractic" at DAGC Hamburg
2015/2016 Postgraduate osteopathic further education (Minimal Lever Mid Range Manipulation & embryological techniques in classical osteopathy)
2018 Further training "Functional anatomy on the preparation" in Heidelberg with Prof. Dr. J. Cabri and Masterclass „The shoulder: Theory and Practise“ in Bochum with Dr. Jeremy Lewis
2018–2020 Training as a trigger point and dry needling therapist at the IMTT
2019 Further training Masterclass „The neck: Clinical Rehabilitation“ in Bochum with Chris Worsfold
2022 Further training „The painful shoulder – Complex doesn't mean complicated“ in Bad Essen with Adam Meakins
2022 Further training „Psychosomatische Grundversorgung“ on Borkum, ÄKWL Iris Veit
2023 Management seminar: Healthy leadership – for yourself and others (Dirk Hübel, Health&Fitness academy)
2023 Communication in the physiotherapy practice Dr. med Iris Veit, Bochum

Previous occupations

2008-2013 Physiotherapist in the "Practise for Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy Lubbers and Team"
since 2013 Independent alternative practitioner in the field of osteopathy and manual therapy in the premises of the
  • "Practise for Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy Mano Lubbers" (Recklinghausen) as well as the
  • Practice for Osteopathy and American Chiropractic Sven Lübke (Dortmund)
03/2015 Foundation of the Recklinghausen Osteopathy Centre
2015–2019 Employee of the lecturer team of the International Academy of Osteopathy
since 2015 Organisation of various training events in the premises of the practice („Minimal Lever Mid Range“, „Osteopathische Embryologische Techniken“, „Essential Osteopathic Treatment“)
since 2021 Member of the teaching team of the Interessengemeinschaft für myofasziale Triggerpunkt Therapie (IMMT)